Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lecture Reviews

Mark Tribe

Mark Tribe is a unique digital media artist who has had many different types of exhibitions over the years.  All of his artwork stemmed from the theory he believed in which was that all human beings are homosapians, but more importantly, they are homoperformians. He described this terminology in the way that people are self-performing animals and we are constantly performing in everything we do. His specific example was about an audience applauding at the exact appropriate moment and then again remaining quiet when necessary. In these moments of expected action and reaction, we reveal who we really are to ourselves. I was able to understand this very clearly, because in sociology (my major) this is known as a double-consciousness. We understand see the person we are in our own eyes, as well as though other people's eyes.

The first project he described to us was known as The Carpark. I found this magnitude of an art piece very neat. It was not only a piece of artwork, but a performance and social experiment as well. Tribe and two other artists collaborated to create this performance. All of the car owners at a university were categorized into separate groups based on the car color and directed to go to a designated area when they arrived the day of the experiment. Carpark became well known through the media attention it attracted and showed the world how performance is art.
Tribe also talked about protest as a public performance of politics. The specific public protest performance he talked to us about was the Dystopia Files project. This was a compilation of footage from different live protests and the action police took against the protesters. The interactive exhibit he constructed with this footage was projected from behind a frosted glass door so that it was only partially seen by its viewers and also appeared backward. Once a person opened the door to see what was behind it, a motion detector was activated and the video would turn off  and the room would light up to show tons of file cabinets with the names of different protest groups written on each drawer, but all of the drawers were locked.
Tribe was much different than any other artist I have learned about before. All of his projects were unique and provoked a deep thought process to discover meanings and reality. There was a purpose and meaning for everything and I found that to be quite intriguing. 

The two questions I had were:
1. Did you  have many people that did not want to go along with the CarPark project because they wanted to park near where they were going, or for other reasons?
2. Did you ever have a file drawer that accidentally got unlocked or were they permanently not able to open?

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